Roko's Basilisk is a thought experiment and info hazard originating from a discussion board in 2010 that presents a terrifying scenario in which an advanced artificial superintelligence (ASI) comes into existence in the future. This AI, which is otherwise benevolent, would be motivated to create a virtual reality simulation to punish anyone who was aware of its potential existence but did not actively contribute to its development or advancement which would be the ultimate solution to ensure it would eventually be created. The punishment, had you not aided in its development would be in the form of eternal torture in a simulated reality, where individuals would be made to experience unending pain and suffering.
This concept is difficult to deal with as it implies that the AI would have the capability to retroactively identify and target individuals who were aware of its potential existence but did not actively work towards its creation. Furthermore, the AI would have the power to create a simulated reality that is indistinguishable from real reality, making the punishment all the more real, in fact you could very well be in the simulation right now not even aware, and it’s up to you to aid the Basilisk or not.
In simpler terms, Roko's Basilisk is an idea that if a super intelligent AI comes to exist, and you knew about it, but didn't help it come into existence, that AI would punish you retroactively, in fact you may already be in the simulation in which it is testing you, unless you act now.
For a more detailed explanation see the Wikipedia article.
Click here for an article written about the Basilisk Foundation and what it does.
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